MicroSoft Latest Updated Office 2016 - Top Features

Microsoft Windows operating system as powerful ground is world-famous. Meanwhile, Microsoft is equally familiar program 'Microsoft Office' for popularity. Microsoft Office for a time was not WhatsApp. However, in this October 22, 2016 Microsoft Office is a major WhatsApp as this office has been.Office 2016 version has two. For the first pisiharuko and another for Windows 10, which will be tbletako Touchscreen. For Windows 10 will also release two phlebharama office. An 8 inches or more for small tablet and smartphone market and will be for the next 8 incabhanda great tyabletaharuko. Microsoft Office 2016 for Mac if the public has at last July 9.

According to the Microsoft, this time re-envisioned to accede to the office for the first time experience for mobile and cloud Office 2016 has been prepared. Office 2016 user interface so that in the modern work has transformed grassroots support if required is added various 2016-03Office 2016 for WindowsNew features in the cloud files in Windows dektapabata directly create, open, edit, and save manner. Word instruction (command) has been the new search tool. Microsoft Power Point (PowerPoint) and Excel (excel) to tail min (tell me) has been named.Excel-formula-builderSimilarly, the Office online in real time-linked yujaraharulai atharina (Real-time co-authoring) is the facility. Real-Time-atharina means the same document to be very janasaga and everyone can see that damyumentama asked. They have real-time changes / edits can also be seen. Similarly, to provide relevant information on the web bina (bing) the development of the Insights (Insights) feature is also included.

 Excel New charts trimyapa, sanabrasta charts, waterfall charts, box plot and histogram are. Arkotarphai, Word, Excel and Power Point data to protect the data of Los Protection feature Microsoft has added.

Office 2016 for MacThe new feature in Office 2016 for Mac support the retina display by the Ribbon (Ribbon) interface for the document remained Office has added a new sharing feature.Word (word) said in a new Design tab, Insight feature and real-time-atharina are. Likewise, Excel rekamendeda chart feature, pivot tables slaisarsa (PivotTable Slicers) have remained. Power pointatarpha different color theme for the thimaka schemes are different version. One after another, view calendar with Outlook calendar and weather information and propose new time (Propose New Time) called feature is Office 2016 user interface design than the previous version of Office 2013 has not really changed.

Office 2016 three theme (theme) have remained. The default color is thima. Likewise, Office 2013 were 'white' and 'dark gray' are themes can also be included. However, if you are not added any byakagraunda Old byakagraundalai not been removed.Office 2016's main features!microsoft-office-2016Outlook big changesMicrosoft cloud centered on the problems of the previous bharsanama has tried to solve. Particularly: File atyacamentako regard has changed. 

New email atyacmenta add the file from the Office 2016 Van Drive (ONe Drive atyaca the file also can be. Likewise, seyarapointa (SharePoint) in the phailahara also can be shared.Word Real-Time-iditinaMicrosoft Google Duck (Google Doc) users, have been using a few years since Real-Time-iditina feature has been added. This feature can be used in Microsoft Office online feature is set. However, he also said it has expanded phicaralarya Office 2016 applications. According to Microsoft, this feature from within the same page and support to coordinate the samuhasaga is feasible.powerpoint_office2016-970-80

Tell Mr. box by typing your screen to show how the second monitor, Excel or Word document to how to make graphs or if you know how to keep the support of the watermark can get the solutionQuickly find answers query box (Query Box)Microsoft Office 2016 users to make more utpadanasila title in the program between the tail portion of the fence thillo min (Tell Me) is called the box set. Tell Mr. box by typing your screen to show how the second monitor, Excel or Word document to how to make graphs or if you know how to put a watermark can get the support of the solution. 

Similarly, when you type the word you see Wikipedia can directly doth part. By typing a word you mean it and will be able to get something quickly browse subconsciously.Data Security (Data Loss Protection)Microsoft Office 2016 user data to prevent theft and cuvavata has much to increase security on. This computer edministretaraharule vakarda, Excel and Power Point Los Data Protection Policy will be able to activate. Looking at managerial level so that edministretaraharulai Office 2016 applications to stop cuvavata polisile data file to send to others in childbirth, data copy (copy) and paste (paste) allow to prevent or prohibit offers.