You are Here reading this means you
have gone through the pain of fighting with Spam comments on your posts.Fighting
against comment spam is among the most frustrating job for a blogger,
especially when you don’t have enough money to hire a comment moderator that
trashes the spam comments while publishing all the useful comments to your
blog. Obviously you don’t want to delete your all comments just for the sake of
few spam ones? Since, Blogger doesn’t have a real-time comment spam detection
plugin its
a bit frustuating job for a
blogger.But No worrys we can now fight with such spam messages just by simply
implementing some techniques to make sure that spam comments are staying away
from our blogger site. Today, in this article, we will show you How to
Automatically Remove Spam links from Blogger Comments.
Among others techniques this
one is most simple So,I am sharing with my readers.
Using CSS to Remove Spam Links From
These days search engines are
smart and they know what their clients are referring for useful and what they
should ignore. By removing spam links from comments with the help of CSS could
not only hide those links but would stop search engines from indexing them too.
So simply go to Blogger >> Template >> Edit HTML >> Search
for Skin tag and just above it paste the following piece of code:
a {
display: none;
Now,save the code and end up your worries